bringing the buddhist world at the comfort of your home
世界佛邮馆能够得以成立,感谢来自一份殊胜的因缘,那就是将一生所收藏约四十年的佛教邮票,捐献出来的佛邮达人梁国兴先生。在接触和整理一张张的佛邮当中,我们发现邮票中除了有精美和丰富的历史事迹,还有一些佛教轶事和艺术的呈现;我们开始对这些难得的邮票,以主题为架构分类整理,并将之陆续在世界佛邮馆粉墨登场展出。有了这些篇篇精彩的佛邮主题,各主题内中皆含有故事性,教育性和纪念性的资讯;我们觉得这份难得的文物,应该编辑成一份软性读物,让更广大的群众在空余和休闲时,也能够轻松分享到。我们推出《把佛邮馆带回家》系列丛书, 目的就是与各领域的读者结缘,因为它老少咸宜;丛书以中英双,让它可以遍及世界,广结善缘。
Bring Stamps Gallery Home Book Series
In an opportune time, the World Buddhist Stamps Gallery was incubated through a gift of stamps from Mr Leong Kok Hing, an avid Buddhist stamps collector of passion which spans more than 4 decades. Having explored and indulged in each and every stamp in his collections, multicolour series devoted to history, legend and genre, we began to organise a series of chronicles based on the theme of these stamps, which is now displayed at the World Buddhist Stamps Gallery.
With these interesting themes revealing a story-like educational and commemorable information, we saw a need to reach a wider readership through an armchair book of this rare piece of history. We were inspired to launch a “Bringing Stamps Gallery Home” Series, to cater to a broad echelon of societies around the world, both elderlies and young alike. It shall be bilingual, Mandarin and English, and we hope to promote it extensively and globally.