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Amitabha Buddha

Stamp featuring Amitabha, (“Infinite Light”) also called Amitayus (“Infinite Life”), Japanese Amida, Chinese Emituo Fo, in Mahayana Buddhism, and particularly in the so called Pure Land sects, the great saviour buddha. In the Sukhavati-vyuhasutras (the fundamental scriptures of the Pure Land sects), many ages ago a monk named Dharmakara made a number of vows, the 18th of which promised that, on his attaining buddhahood, all who had faith in him and who called upon his name would be reborn in his paradise and would reside there in bliss until they had attained enlightenment. Having accomplished his vows, Dharmakara reigned as the Buddha Amitabha in the Western Paradise, called Sukhavati, the Pure Land.  When not depicted alone, Amitabha is often portrayed with two assistants: Avalokitesvara on the left and Mahasthamaprapta on the right, representing compassionate and wisdom respectively.


Issued Country Macau
Issued Year 2017
Category Buddhist Image Buddhist Arts Theme 3: The Buddhist Pantheon as seen through Postage Stamps
Type Postage Stamps
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