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"The First Mountain Guarding the North Borders", Mount Hengshan
Hengshan is famous for steepy ridges, splendid peaks, exotic-shaped temples, and gushing fountains, together with oddly-shaped stones and forests of ancient trees, which constitutes a beautiful landscape. It is called "The First Mountain Guarding the North Borders", depicting its magnitude and wonder.
Stamp featuring the beauty of Hengshan Mountain. Standing high in the mountain, with the clouds floating under your feet and the wind in the pine trees resounding above your head, the mountain peaks occasionally appearing and disappearing in the clouds, that’s the beauty of the scenery.
Series: Mount  Hengshan, Sanxi
Theme: Scenery
Issued Country China
Issued Year 21.07.1991
Category Buddhist Architect World Heritage Buddhist Landscape
Type Maximum Card
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