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2600 Sambuddhatva Jayantiya
Illustration on the reorganizing and revitalizing our moral life
- Let us take care of our parents and respect them
- Let us help the sick

Sambuddhatva jayanthi, also known as Sambuddha jayanthi, is a religious festival in relation with the Vesak. In the Buddhist world it is celebrated in several Theravada countries including Sri Lanka, Nepal and in Buddhist communities of other countries. This auspicious day is hugely celebrated in many parts of the world, predominately Lumbini, Nepal - the birthplace of Gautam Buddha. Buddha's Enlightenment is highlighted and teachings of Buddha preserved in Pāli Canon become more popular in this period among Buddhists who follow the Theravada.


Issued Country Sri Lanka
Issued Year 29.04.2011
Category Buddhist Symbol Events
Type First Day Cover
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