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Kōyama-ji (Armor Mountain Temple)
Koyama-ji is temple is closely associated with Kobo Daishi. Just above the Hondo is a spring in a small grotto, and a large stone water trough nearby. Near the temple is Mannoike pond, one of the civil works projects for which Kobo Daishi was famed. It's a huge irrigation reservoir built on the orders of the Emperor. A statue of Kobo Daishi stands on the dam. Kukai, known posthumously as Kobo Daishi , is one of the great men of the Heian Period of Japanese history. A priest, scholar, artist and engineer, Kukai was a polymath of huge talents and the founder of the Shingon School of Japanese Buddhism.
Issued Country Japan
Issued Year 2004
Category Buddhist Architect Buddhist Landscape
Type Postage Stamps
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