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Wesak 1984
Stamp featuring the elephant  in the Wesak 1984 of Sri Lanka.
Elephants have been a prominent symbol in Buddhism since the very beginning. Accounts of the historical Buddha’s life relate how his mother dreamed of a white elephant before giving birth to the aspirant Buddha. In a later incident, when two factions of monks became embroiled in a heated argument, the Buddha, exasperated with their quarreling, went into solitary retreat in the forest, where it is said he received sustenance and protection from a monkey and an elephant. Elephants also feature heavily in Theravada Buddhist art, in particular the famous moonstones in ancient Sinhalese architecture—a carved semi-circular stone slab, usually found at the bottom of doorways and staircases. Domesticated wild elephants can also found in many Sri Lankan Buddhist monasteries, where they have played a key role in religious processions for centuries.  
Issued Country Sri Lanka
Issued Year 1984
Category Events Buddhist Personality Buddhist Arts Buddhist Story
Type Postage Stamps
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