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Wesak Festival 1991
Stamp showing the paintings in Sri Subodharamaya, Dehiwala, Karagampitiya
Sri Subodharama Raja Maha Vihara  is a historic Buddhist temple situated at Dehiwala in the Western province, Sri Lanka. The temple is located at the Dehiwala junction on the Colombo-Galle main road, about 9 miles south of Colombo city. The temple has been formally recognised by the Government as an archaeological site in Sri Lanka. The designation was declared on 23 February 2007 under the government Gazette number 1486.
A large amount of paintings belonging to the Kandyan era adorn interior walls of many buildings in the Vihara complex. The earliest and also the main publication of these painting series are preserved on the three inner walls of the ambulatory of the image house.
Issued Country Sri Lanka
Issued Year 1991
Category Events Buddhist Arts Buddhist Story
Type Postage Stamps
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