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The Khue Van pavilion
The Khue Van pavilion of the Temple of Literature is known as the great central courtyard or sometimes the courtyard of great success It is a unique architectural work built in 1805 and a symbol of present-day Hanoi. The Khue Van pavilion is built on four white-washed stone stilts. At the top is a red-coloured with two circular windows and an elaborate roof. Inside, a bronze bell hangs from the ceiling to be rung on auspicious occasions. Many beautiful poetic phrases preserved on the pavilion glorify Vietnamese traditional culture. Beside the Khue Van pavilion are the Suc Van gate and the Bi Van gate. These two gates are dedicated to the beauty of literature, both its content and its form. In the first and second courtyards there are topiaries (bushes that are cut into particular shapes) that represent the 12 zodiac animals.
Issued Country Vietnam
Issued Year 1984
Category Buddhist Architect Buddhist Arts
Type Postage Stamps
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