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Magha Puja Day
Stamps of Murals from Wat Tha Sutthawat  in Angthong, depicting scenes from the Mahachanok or Mahajanaka celebrating Magha Puja day or Sangha Day . This day  marks the four auspicious occasions which happened nine months after the Enlightenment of the Buddha at Veluvana Bamboo Grove near Rajagaha in Northern India.  Magha Puja Day is referred to as “Magha Bucha” Day in Thai which is for veneration of the Buddha and his teachings on the full moon day of the third lunar month.
Stamp featuring the birth of Prince Mahajanaka
Stamp featuring  Mekala carrying Mahajanaka to the city of Mithila
Stamp featuring the two mango trees, one barren, the other heavy with fruit, which the people in their greed eventually destroyed.
Stamp featuring   King Mahajanaka founding an institute of higher learning
Issued Country Thailand
Issued Year 1999
Category Events Buddhist Arts
Type Commemorative/Special Stamps
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